Saturday, January 23, 2010

What if...we were all able to be rich?

What if... we were all able to be rich? I think it would be a great world, because there would not be any inequality as far as financial status. Another thing, I'm sick of every time I watch television, celebrities do the most reckless things and no one ever punishes them because they have money. At award shows, there are people that give them gifts before the show and the person that received the gift is probably not doing anything to deserve it. You might see them in cars that they probably are not going to be able to afford in 5 years (look at Nicholas Cage). Who I really can't stand is the rich kids, the ones that grew up in money. The best place you can see them is on MTV's show "My Super Sweet 16." Those children are the worst children you'd ever seen. A good example is this girl that daddy buys her everything and to make matters worse, he gave her a credit card. This girl was totally disrespectful to her mother. But her mother fixed her. I believe her mother exchanged words with her father and while the girl was at the store, shopping with her friends, her credit card was declined and she had all of that stuff in her hand. That was hilarious! That is why I believe if everybody was rich, ther wouldn't be extra spoiled children, running about feeling like they are better than anyone else. More than anything, I believe kids like that would not act that way if they get knocked off their pedestal for one second. I was a spoiled child and even as an adult, I still am, but I have learned how to be humble and be a lady at all cost. I also know that at any moment of my life, when I die, I can't take none of the things that I have with me.

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