Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What if men could get pregnant and go in labor like women?

What if men could get pregnant and go in labor like women? I know it is such an old and for some people, irrelevant topic, but unlike the movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito (Junior), no one has ever got into real detail of what might happen. I won't get into "graphic details", but how do you think it will affect society as a whole? Would some men actually stop to think that once they get pregnant, the things around them will really change? For example, in today's world, we have some single mothers that are has to raise their children by themselves the best way they know how, because the father of those children has not taken responsibility for what they created. Imagine if one day after the one-night stand after leaving out of a nightclub with a woman, three months later, they have to go in the bathroom to vomit and urinated on a stick called a pregnancy test. Then, once they find out that they are truely pregnant, they have to call their family members or for many men, they may not call their family members at all and keep it a secret. If the partner that they were with wasn't a really caring person, then you know what that means? It means that when the man calls the woman on the phone and tell her the news, she might deny the baby being hers and hang up in his face. The next thing you know, depression might set in, not necessarily sometimes because the woman has deny your baby, but because all of these questions are going to go through his mind. He might ask, if he didn't tell his family yet, what would his family think about him? Who could he turn to if he needed help? Six months later, he is rushed to the hospital because his water broke. He is sitting the hospital bed with a extreme pain around his stomach and back area, and then finally the baby is ready to be born. It is now time to push!

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